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LBBL Constitution – Revised 2024
Note: In the Constitution the phrase “in writing” also includes the use of email.
All contact persons must submit an email address and agree that they will regularly monitor their email for communications between LBBL and the clubs/teams or between clubs/teams.
1. Name
1.1. The organisation shall be called the Leicestershire Basketball League, hereinafter referred to as “The League” (or LBBL).
2. Aim
2.1. The League shall promote and encourage the game of Basketball
3. Policy
3.1. To further its aims The League shall organise a League Competition the rules of which are contained in and form part of this Constitution.
4. Membership
4.1. The Executive Committee or The League, in General Meeting, will approve applications for membership to The League at their discretion.
4.2. Any new teams with courts outside Leicestershire, or teams applying to join the LBBL in other than the bottom division, may only enter The League after a motion proposing entry has been accepted at the AGM. Teams entering in any division above the lowest shall lodge a loyalty bond or £30.00, which shall be forfeited if the team withdraws before completing three seasons.
4.3. All League clubs shall have at least one qualified referee nominated for each team. Each referee must be a member of the Leicestershire Basketball Officials Association (LeBOA). (See also League Rule 4).
A referee may represent more than one team but shall be responsible to only one team for each fixture. A referee must make him/herself available for at least 2 days per week, during the season, for every team for which he/she has been nominated.
4.4. All clubs must be affiliated to Basketball England.
5. Deposit
5.1. Each team shall deposit £50.00 with the Treasurer to cover any fines as laid down in the Constitution.
5.2. The whole or part of this deposit, remaining after the deduction of fines, shall be returnable on the completion of the season.
5.3. No team may play in any competition organised by The League unless this deposit is paid in full. Any fines incurred above the deposit level must be paid as incurred or suspension may occur at the following Executive Committee Meeting, together with forfeit of any games played until payment is received. This penalty comes into effect on receipt of written notice from the General Secretary.
5.4. All fines are to be levied by the Executive Committee or The League in General Meeting.
6. Subscriptions
6.1. The Annual Subscription will be decided by the AGM, and shall be paid by November 1st. In the event of late payment all fixtures scheduled before the date of payment of the subscription may be forfeit. The date of payment means cleared payment, by cash, cheque or BACS into the LBBL account.
7. Funds
7.1. All monies paid to The League shall be deposited with a Bank and/or Building Society at a Branch/Branches decided upon by the Executive Committee in the name of Leicestershire Basketball League.
7.2. The Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer are authorised to sign cheques. Two signatures are necessary.
7.3 In the event of the dissolution of LBBL, all funds held, after settlement of outstanding debts, will be shared equally amongst all teams in LBBL at the time of dissolution.
8. Financial Year
8.1. The Financial Year of The League shall end on 30th April.
9. Audit
9.1. The accounts shall be audited annually by the auditor appointed at the previous AGM. All books shall be in the hands of the auditor two weeks before the AGM.
10. Officers
10.1 . The following officers shall be elected at the AGM:
i) List of Officers
- President
- Life Vice President
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- General Secretary
- Assistant General Secretary
- Treasurer
- Results Secretary
- Publicity Secretary
- Disciplinary Officer
The Results Secretary, in agreement with the Executive Committee, may appoint Divisional Secretaries to assist with the scoresheet administration, results, and drawing up of League tables etc.
10.2. Officers other than the President and Life Vice President shall hold office for a three-year term.
10.3. The President will be elected annually.
10.4. Life Vice presidents will be elected at the AGM.
10.5. The president and retiring officers will be eligible for re-election.
10.6. Officers shall be elected, at the AGM, using the following schedule:
- Year 1: (2022) General Secretary and Vice Chair.
- Year 2: Chair and Results Secretary.
- Year 3: Treasurer, Assistant General Secretary and Publicity Secretary.
10.7. Vacancies created during a term of office will be filled, for the remainder of the term, at the next AGM in addition to the election schedule laid out in 10.6.
11. Executive Committee
11.1. The management of The League shall be conducted by the Executive Committee comprising of Officers, and three other members, who shall be elected at the AGM.
11.2. Members of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to claim travelling expenses at the current Basketball England rate to attend League Meetings and any other authorised League business.
11.3. The Executive Committee may co-opt other members or initiate sub-committees.
11.4. Five members shall form a quorum.
11.5. Each member of the Executive Committee has one vote, unless s/he is personally involved in any item of dispute or discussion. In this event s/he may not vote and five neutral members shall form a quorum.
11.6. Representatives of Clubs, other than committee members, are invited to attend any Committee meetings but will not have voting rights.
The Chair shall have a casting vote only.
12. Annual General Meeting
12.1. The AGM of The League shall be held during May. At least one calendar month’s notice of the meeting shall be given, including the agenda.
12.2. Teams failing to send a representative to the AGM shall be fined £10.00.
12.3. Representatives of one third of the team membership shall form a quorum.
12.4. The business of the meeting shall be:-
12.4.1. To consider apologies for absence.
12.4.2. To approve the Minutes of the previous AGM.
12.4.3. Any matters arising from those Minutes.
12.4.4. To receive a report from the General Secretary.
12.4.5. To receive a report from the Results Secretary.
12.4.6. To receive a report and audited accounts from the Treasurer.
12.4.7. To consider the Annual Subscription.
12.4.8. To consider any amendments to the Constitution.
12.4.9. To elect the Officers for the coming year.
12.4.10. To appoint an auditor.
12.4.11. Any Other Business.
12.5. Each member of the Executive Committee, and one representative from each team, is empowered to vote, except as defined in 11.5, but no person shall have more than one vote.
The Chair shall have a casting vote only.
12.6. Nominations for all Officers, with the name of the proposer and seconder, may be submitted in advance or will be accepted at the AGM.
13. Amendments to the Constitution
13.1. Any suggested alterations or additions must be received by the General Secretary, in writing, on or before March 15th.
13.2. No alteration or addition to the Constitution shall be made except by a majority vote of those present, and entitled to vote, at the AGM.
14. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
14.1. An EGM may be called at any time. Either
14.1.1. by resolution of the Executive Committee.
14.1.2. upon receipt in writing, to the General Secretary, of a request by a quarter of the total team membership.
14.2. At least twenty-one days’ notice of the meeting shall be given, including specific business.
14.3. One third of the total team membership shall form a quorum.
14.4. Each member of the Executive Committee and one representative from each team is entitled to vote, except as defined in 11.5, but no person may have more than one vote. The Chair shall have a casting vote only.
LBBL League Rules – Revised 2024
(Forming part of the constitution)
Note: In the League Rules, the phrase “in writing” also includes the use of email.
All contact persons must submit an email address and agree that they will regularly monitor their email for communications between LBBL and the clubs/teams or between clubs/teams.
1. Registration
1.1. Each player must hold a current player licence, with Basketball England, before they play in any LBBL fixture. Failure to do this will result in automatic forfeiture of all games concerned.
1.2. A player may not play for a team for the first time after 31st January unless they were licensed with Basketball England, for that local league club, prior to midnight on 31st January.
1.2.1 Exceptional Circumstances:
At the discretion of the League Committee a club that has 6 or fewer players, in its only or lowest team, available to play after the 31st January, may register a new player or players (i.e. a player not previously registered with any club in Leicestershire) to bring their team numbers up to 7 active players. Before any new player could be registered, the registration of any existing players that can no longer play for the club must be surrendered to the league, so they are prevented from playing again in the current season.
1.3 All registration numbers must appear on scoresheets. For each occasion, on which this is not complied with, clubs will be fined £3.00.
1.4 Prior to the game both teams must provide, to the scorekeeper’s table, BE Licences containing a photograph, for each player and bench member, for inspection by the match referees and the opposition coach should she, or he, so wish.
1.4.1 Players who do not have a current licence may not take part in the game or sit on the team bench.
1.4.2 If fewer than five players of a team have their licence available for inspection, then the game cannot be played. The defaulting team will be fined £25 and may forfeit the game. (12.3.1)
1.4.3 The game may be rearranged to be played at a later date but only with the agreement of the non-offending team.
The £25 fine still applies and offending team may become responsible for all expenses incurred by the match officials and table officials.
If agreement cannot be reached the game is forfeit (See 12.3.1), in favour of the non-offending team.
1.4.4 Any rearrangement of the fixture must be as laid down in Article 10 of these rules.
1.4.5 In order to assist the smooth running of the game, at least 10 minutes before the scheduled tip-off time, each team should present, to the table, a team list including licence numbers, players’ names and playing numbers (preferably in numerical order).
2. Players
2.1. Only two current BBL (i.e. “top” league) registered players per team will be allowed to play in any one game and they may only play in the premier team of a multi-team club.
2.2. Each team must consist of at least seven players at the commencement date of the season, none of whom may play in lower teams of the same club unless officially transferred. A club having more than one team shall nominate each team in order of superiority.
2.3. For clubs with more than one team:
For clubs with more than one team:
Players will be allowed to play “up”, twice in total, for their club’s superior team(s) in Each League Championship. Players must then be officially transferred if they are to continue to play for one of their club’s superior teams.
(See “Transfer” Rule 3.3)
2.3.1 Prior to the season, each club will receive a form on which to nominate all the players for each team. This form must be returned to the LBBL General Secretary before a club’s first game. If the nomination form has not been received before the first game, any game played may be forfeit.
For any new player, joining a club after initial team nomination, the Secretary of the Club must send the player’s name, Licence number and team for which they are nominated, to the LBBL General secretary before they play for that team.
2.3.2 For multi-team clubs, whose teams are in the same division, there can be no movement of players between the teams unless the players are officially transferred.
3. Transfer
3.1. During the closed season, (See paragraph 12.1), no restriction shall be placed on players changing teams.
3.2. Application for the transfer of a player already registered with another club must be made in writing, by the Secretary of the club receiving the player, to the LBBL General Secretary.
A copy of the notice will be sent, by the LBBL General Secretary, to the Secretary of the former club of the player.
3.3. Application for the transfer of a player between teams of the same club must be made in writing by the Secretary of that club to the LBBL General Secretary.
3.4. The Executive Committee, at their next meeting following the transfer application, shall rule whether any transfer is in order.
The player should not play for his new club, or team within the same club, until the Secretary of the new club has received, in writing, permission of the LBBL General Secretary.
4. Nominated Officials
4.1. Every Club participating in The League must nominate a qualified referee to be a member of the LeBOA pool of officials. Where a Club has more than one team participating in The League, there must be a qualified referee nominated for each team.
All referees must hold a current Basketball England referee’s licence.
Player licence, alone, is not valid.
4.2. A referee nomination will not be accepted unless the referee confirms his/her agreement to the nomination by signing the appropriate form which must be forwarded to the General Secretary.
4.3. Referees must make themselves available according to the LeBOA rules appertaining at the time of nomination.
4.4. Should a nominated referee become unavailable (except for injury or short-term illness – see Rule 4.6 below), either before or during the season, it is the Club’s/Team’s immediate responsibility to find a replacement nominee. Failing this, the Club/Team will be responsible for finding referees from the LeBOA pool to fulfil their refereeing obligations.
4.5. A club whose nominated official fails to fulfil his/her nominated refereeing appointment shall be fined £10, and may be liable to pay the expenses of the fixture.
An official who fails to fulfil his/her nominated refereeing appointments on more than three occasions (in both LBBL and LWBBL) may not be allowed to be the nominated official, for any club, during the following season.
Any team failing to provide an appointed official on three occasions during the season may be expelled.
4.6. If an official is injured at short notice before an appointment he/she must contact the Secretary of the home club and the Appointments Secretary of LeBOA as soon as possible. It then becomes the responsibility of the home club to find another official if possible, to contact the visiting team to come to an agreement over the game and to contact the other official.
5. Match Officials
5.1. If a refereeing appointment is exchanged between officials, and the LeBOA Appointments Secretary ratifies the change, the responsibility for the fixture(s) concerned shall also be exchanged between the clubs/teams for which the officials are nominated.
5.2. All league games must normally be officiated by at least two members of LeBOA. Officials for games organised by the League will be appointed by the Executive Committee in conjunction with LeBOA. The home team will be responsible for the officials’ fees and expenses. The rate of travelling expenses charged by officials will not exceed the current England Basketball approved rate.
5.3. Any players or coaches who take part in a game shall not referee or umpire that same game.
6. Table Officials
6.1 The home team will supply, for all League fixtures, two Table Officials, at least one of whom holds a Table Official qualification. Neither of the Table Officials shall play in that fixture.
Failure to comply with this will result in a game being forfeit and a fine of £25.00.
7. Table Equipment
7.1. Table equipment will be provided by the home team as follows:-
Divisions 1 & 2
- Visible Running Clock
- Visible Running Score
- Team Foul Markers
- Personal Foul Markers
- Full Time Indicator (sound)
- Scorer’s Sound
- Possession Direction Arrow
Other Divisions
- Visible Passage of Time
- Visible Running Score
- Team Foul Markers
- Personal Foul Markers
- Full Time Indicator (sound)
- Possession Direction Arrow
7.2. Failure to supply this equipment will result in a £5.00 fine. A third or subsequent offence by a team may result in forfeiture of the fixture.
8. Colours
8.1. All players shall be suitably attired according to England Basketball rules.
In the event of a colour clash the HOME team shall change.
9. Fixtures
9.1. Fixtures will be arranged by the Executive Committee.
10. Postponement / Cancellation
10.1 After the fixture list is issued there should be no alteration of the fixtures.
Any postponement may result in forfeiture of the game, to be decided by LBBL committee.
Failure to inform LBBL of a postponement incurs a £25 fine.
10.2 When a team proposes that a League fixture is postponed, the team altering the fixture must notify ALL of the following:
(i) Opponents
(ii) Officials appointed to the game
(iii) LBBL General Secretary
(iv) LBBL Results Secretary
(v) LeBOA Appointments Secretary
Notification must be at least five clear days before the fixture is due to take place (not including the date of the fixture).
10.3 If a team postpones a fixture, within five days of the original date for the fixture, (see 10.2), that team will automatically incur a fine of £25 and may forfeit the game (See 12.3.1).
10.4 If a team cancels a game, or fails to arrive (no-show), that team will incur a fine of £25 and will forfeit the game. (See 12.3.1).
10.5 If a fixture is postponed, and agreed by the LBBL Committee, both teams should agree an alternative date to play the game. All rearranged games must be played by April 30th. (See Rule 12.1).
If the two teams cannot agree a date, the Executive Committee will mediate between the two teams and will, if necessary, impose a date by which the fixture must be played. The agreed date shall be binding on both clubs, including any necessary re-scheduling of any other fixtures.
10.6 The team postponing the game is responsible for organising the officials for the re-arranged game. If the game is postponed through no fault of either team, both teams may agree to find one official each.
10.7 All cancellations will be subject to consideration by the Executive Committee, and additional fines of up to £100 may be levied. If a team does not follow the correct cancellation procedure, they may be required to pay court hire fees and any referees fees and expenses, incurred by the home team.
10.8 Teams not fulfilling their fixtures to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee may not be eligible for re-admission to the next season’s competitions. All results of any team conceding 4 or more fixtures in one season may be removed from the final standings in the relevant division.
11. Results
11.1. Within 24 hours of the fixture, the HOME team must send a message, as designated by LBBL, (e.g. WhatsApp) indicating the Match number and the Result (or the reason, if the game did not take place.
11.2. Within 48 hours of the match taking place, (as recorded by postmark or email time) the HOME team must send the Match Score Sheet (white copy) either posted (to the Results secretary) or send a clear, scanned copy by email, to the designated Divisional Results email. (Include Match Number in the header of the email)
11.3 Within 48 hours of the date of the game, both teams participating shall complete an Officials Assessment Form and forward it to the designated Divisional Results email.
11.4 Penalties:
- No result text/email within 24 hours £5 fine
- No match number on scoresheet £3 fine
- No scoresheet after 48 hours £10 fine
- No scoresheet after 7 days £10 fine as above + a further £10 fine
- No officials’ assessment form after 48 hours £5 fine
11.5. Protests relating to violations of League Rules, or claims for matches from the Club Secretary, shall be posted to the General Secretary, in duplicate, or sent by email, within 48 hours of the time that the match ends.
11.6. If any scoresheet is signed under protest, details of the protest from the Club Secretary shall be posted to the General Secretary, in duplicate, or sent by email, within 48 hours of the time that the match ends.
11.7. The General Secretary will send a copy of the protest to the offending club or person.
12. League Championship
12.1. The League Season will run from 1st October to 30th April unless extended by the Executive Committee
12.2. Division One and Division Two shall normally comprise of ten teams.
Other divisions will depend upon the number of teams entering The League and shall be decided upon by the Executive Committee.
The two lowest ranked teams will normally be relegated from Divisions One and Two and the two highest ranked teams promoted from Divisions Two and Three. Where a division consists of more than ten teams, a maximum of three shall be relegated from each division which either has, or would have, more than ten teams, to restore the League structure to normality as soon as possible.
12.3. Three points will be awarded to a winning team and one point to a losing team for each match played.
12.3.1 If a game is forfeit, the score is recorded as 20-0, with three league points to the winner and no league points to the forfeiting team.
12.4. In the event of two or more teams having an equal number of league points, at the end of the Championship, teams will be ranked according to the following:
12.4.1. A league table will be compiled taking account only of the matches played between the tying teams.
The teams are then placed in accordance with the league points gained in this table.
12.4.2. In the event of further equality, the point difference in these matches will be taken into account.
12.4.3. In the event of further equality, the point difference in all League matches will be taken into account.
12.4.4. The Executive Committee may make special arrangements to compensate if any of the matches concerned in the calculations
have been subject to forfeit.
12.4.5. If a tie is partially resolved by the application of some or all of these regulations, the regulations are then reapplied from 12.4.1 to the remaining part of the tie.
12.4.6. Play-offs
12.5. The Executive Committee shall decide upon the trophies to be awarded at the end of the season.
12.6. The record of any club, which may resign or be expelled, shall be expunged.
13. Infringements
13.1. The Executive Committee shall deal with any team infringing any of the foregoing rules. All matters of discipline concerning misconduct of players, coaches and/or officials of the League shall be referred to the LBBL Disciplinary Officer.
13.1.1. In the event of a player receiving a ban from a game or games, that player will also receive a £10 fine for each match ban. The fine will be charged against the player’s team.
13.2. The Executive Committee will be empowered to set aside normal procedures in exceptional circumstances and take whatever action they deem appropriate. On such occasions a full account shall be presented to the AGM.
14. Appeals
14.1. Appeals against decisions made by the Executive Committee should be sent in writing, by the Club Secretary, to the General Secretary no later than 7 days prior to the next Executive Committee Meeting. The Club Secretary and one other representative will be invited to attend that part of the meeting pertaining to the appeal.
A £10 deposit is required for each appeal. This is refunded if the appeal is successful.
14.2. The right of appeal to Basketball England is granted against any decision of the Executive Committee.
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